Tuesday, February 24, 2009

I'd like to announce that I have the most amazing roommates and Tuscaloosa best friend a girl could ask for. This past weekend they made me take off work so they could give me a surprise weekend at the beach. Did I mention that the only things I paid for was a shirt and a coffee? So yes, I'm going to repeat that Amy, Erica, and Wendy are absolutely wonderful and they deserve so much more than some weak praise on my blog. I love you three very much.

Currently, I'm on 4M of gorgas and have grown tired of studying. Now is a good time for some lists. :)

Top Five Favorite Disney Songs
1. Kiss the Girl (Little Mermaid)
2. Chim Chiminey (Mary Poppins)
3. I Won't Say I'm in Love (Hercules)
4. Can You Feel the Love (Lion King)
5. You'll Be in My Heart (Tarzan)

Top Five Favorite Ways to Procrastinate
1. Facebook
2. Making sure I've checked the ins and outs and updates of E-Learning
3. Calculating my grade for every single one of my classes, then figuring what I need to make on my remaining tests to make an A
4. Searching Itunes and making sure that I'm aware of what bands have new albums out,then budgeting my money so I can buy them
5. Making lists of five and posting them on this thing

Sunday, February 15, 2009

so what is there to say? looks like online journals are making a comeback and out of nostalgia of my beloved livejournal in high school I decided to create one. we'll see how this works out...

I don't have much to say besides the fact that I love to make lists and this seems to be the most appropriate place to do so. my love for makings lists of five was initially ignited from watching high fidelity, which, lo and behold is #1 on my list of favorite movies. high fidelity makes a good point in saying that "what really matters is what you like, not what you are like." now, I have my disagreements with this quote when it comes to stabilizing a long term friendship or relationship, but when you're just getting to know someone and discovering compatibility or when you just need a conversation stimulator, discussing your likes, dislikes, loves, hates, and so on is the way to go. in my case, I'm struggling with writer's block so I suppose making a list of something I love would help push me through it.

so. without further ado.

top five favorite movies

1. high fidelity
2. elizabethtown
3. night at the museum
4. wall-e
5. sense and sensibility

feel free to post your favorites too. that's actually kind of the point.